25 January 2021

In Which It's all about Bees, the Dentist and Snooker

Starring Roles:

Nanny - Mum's Mum
Jean - Neighbour and Mum of one of my old friends, also called Joanne
Pat - Mum's friend and work colleague, and Mick - Pat's husband
Don and Denise - Mum's brother and wife
Old Face Ache Torry - Mum's boss at the dentist where she works
Angie - work colleague from dentist

To our Dearest Joanne/Vince,
Hello again, hope you are both well and that you had a lovely Easter.  Hope you didn't make yourselves sick with all the chocolate.  We always look forward to Easter because it is the first holiday of the year and it goes so quickly.  We are all missing you so much, so I don't mind how quickly the time goes, it just means Christmas will come round faster.  Trouble is we will get older quicker!

Tuesday 17th April 1990
Easter over, but I don't go back to work till Wednesday.  I took an extra day off and was very lazy, but very nice it was too.
I saw Jean this afternoon with Justine's little girl.  She is looking after her for the week.  She is a funny little thing, spitting image of Justine when she was little.

Wednesday 18th April 1990
Postman got me up this morning, he had your parcel.  James and I were both trying to open it, we were both so excited!  It was lovely and I won't eat my share of the little eggs.  I will leave them in the little wooden basket which is so sweet and I adore the little Chick, he is so lovely and cute.  I am putting him in my glass cabinet.  I gave him a little kiss and said welcome to our home, just in case he is missing all his little friends.  The words in the card were very sweet.  Thank you both so very, very much.
Went to the pub with Pat and had a good natter, was talking about you and Vince and bees.  She should be getting her new bees soon, so will be back in business.
James and Darren went to meet two girls in Hyde Park today.  He came home for his dinner and now has gone to a fair in Danson Park.  Sorry I forgot to say, James wants to thank you for his chocolates and chick.
I've just watched Dallas and I'm very confused.  You said that April is pregnant, do you know whose it is?  Because she's not with Bobby anymore and do they get back together?  I do hope so.

Thursday 19th April 1990
Not a bad day today, sunshine and showers, but the showers are very cold and wintery.
After work, went and had my second nail check, she said my own nails are coming along nicely.  I have got so used to the ones I have on, I actually forget they are there and literally do everything with them.
Went to see Nanny this afternoon and gave her the Easter card from you and she had a little tear.  Don and Denise took her out on Easter Monday.  Surprise!  Went to some big garden centre and had lunch.  She said she enjoyed it.  She's having a new trim phone put in on Friday.  Don said it is too cold for Nanny to sit in the hall when she's on the phone, so she's having it in the sitting room. So I would imagine he's paying for it if it was his idea!  Oh God, that means she will be ringing me all the time now, until the novelty wears off!
Dad nearly made me sick tonight, making his sandwiches for work, with that awful stilton cheese.  He got it from Bob at the Bee Club - God, it's disgusting!

Friday 20th April 1990
I can hardly believe it's Friday again.  Makes you wonder how we get through all that food I bought last week.
Old Face Ache Torry is a Grandad again, his daughter, Monica, who is the same age as you, has just had a little girl.  He is a funny old bugger, you would think he would come into work and tell everyone,  but oh no, not him.  He told Pat in the surgery, as if it's a big secret and no one else must know, but Pat tells us everything.  He doesn't speak to me very much these days, I think he's got the message that I don't like him very much!
James has been working up the butchers all day again.  He must be hard up after what he said about it last time haha.  He's gone to Danson Park Fair again tonight to spend his wages.
We have just had the Royal film premier of "The Hunt for Red October" in London, so we must be behind you in the film world.  It looks as good as you said, so looking forward to seeing it.  I do like Sean Connery (he has such a sexy voice).  A good film to look out for is "Mountains of the Moon" - it's supposed to be spectacular.  You may have already seen it, I think it's a true story.  

Saturday 21st April 1990
Dad working till 11 o'clock, so went shopping on my own and I must admit it is the day I miss you most, especially when I walk past where we used to eat.  There's such a lot of pretty clothes in the shops at the moment that I wish I had such a lot of money to spend, as we always used to say.  This year's fashion seems to be very flowery designs of mixed colours.
Went to Bee Club this afternoon, not so cold as last week.  Where we park our cars, opposite the entrance, there is a big tree which is hanging over the roadway.  The high winds we had made it more dangerous, so Mick said he would saw it down.  He was about 15 feet up the ladder, sawing this big branch off, when it fell onto Mick and knocked him off the ladder.  He was stunned for a moment, had some nasty grazes and I'm sure he was hurt more than he let on!  Poor Pat just stood with her mouth open and said "oh my God".  We will probably laugh about it next week!
James is working all day at the butchers, he has offered him a permanent Saturday job and James said yes.  Oh well, that's good then!

Sunday 22nd April 1990
Dad working till 6 o'clock.  James out with Darren, so on my own again.  Will be nice when the weather turns warm and I can spend Sunday sitting in the garden and have salads for dinner, instead of cooking roasts.
Did nothing much until you rang.  Took me by surprise, but was lovely to hear you talk all about the house you went to look at.  Now that your furniture is there, I suppose you both would like to get your own house as soon as possible.  James has just come in.  I gave him your love, he was sorry he missed you.  He is actually getting his own tea because I am busy writing this letter.
It was the London Marathon today.  Dad and I gave it a miss this year.  He wouldn't be able to keep up with me anyway, now he's put a lot of weight on.  Haha.

Monday 23rd April 1990
Boring morning at work.  Saw Mick, he has actually got quite a few bruises, but he was up the ladder again this morning at work, clearing the gutters.
Came home and found out James had your letter.  Quite interesting reading your TV schedule.  There are quite a few programs that we have too.  Anyway, James can get writing now and tell you all his news.
Dad and I walked up the woods this afternoon to collect some old dry rotten wood to put in the bee smoker because we have been told by the Bee Inspector that it is good for the bees.  They seem to prefer the smell to corrugated cardboard, so we shall see next time we use it.  Our milkman is absolutely fascinated by the bees.  He he delivers the milk, he stays and watches them for about half an hour.  Hopefully he doesn't get stung, otherwise he'll be leaving the milk at the front door!

Tuesday 24th April 1990
Came down the stairs this morning, just as the postman put your letter through the letterbox, so I took it to work to read.  Would you believe it, I was so busy I didn't have time to read it.  Good job I didn't read it at work as it was so long it would have taken me all morning (well you know how slow I am at reading and I read every bit twice to make sure I haven't missed anything).
Went through the beehive when I came home and saw the Queen, who looks fine and seems to be working well.  So that's good.  Poor Dad got stung twice on the same hand, so much for the dry wood we got yesterday.  At the moment, one bee is dive-bombing the kitchen window!  Help!  And I need to get my washing in.
Sat and read your letter - can't get over all these restaurants you keep going to, there can't be that many left for you to try.  At least when we come at Christmas, you will know the best ones!  Diana Ross sounded good, blimey you've only worked there a short time and already getting free tickets. You certainly know how to pick your jobs, but good for you because you deserve the best.  You will definitely have to take me to the Music Box shop, it sounds great.  Is the Body Shop just the same as ours over here?  Oh and I just have to visit Mavis Street and take a photo!  I would love to have seen the Easter Egg Hunt, sounds great fun, although I'm not sure I would have liked to have been on the suspension bridge with all those people!!  
We were going to pop up and see Nanny this afternoon, but after reading your letter over and over, we didn't have time.
After Dad went to work, I sat and watched snooker.  It's the World Championship and Steve Davis is doing well at the moment.

Wednesday 25th April 1990
Pay day again.  Good O! Very warm and sunny today.  Went to work without a coat, but it's not meant to last.  Typical! 
Went to the pub with Pat and a lot of people were sitting in the garden.
Went to the shopping centre afterwards to try and buy a pair of slacks, but couldn't find anything that I liked.  Typical again!
Came home to find poor Dad's hand and arm really swollen.  He'll have to get some thicker gloves like mine, especially if he's going to react like this to bee stings!
Took Sam and Caz to the vets this evening.  Caz had his claws clipped and the vet said they were not flea bites on Sam, but little mites that got into his fur, making him scratch. You can't see them with the human eye.  Poor Sam did look quite indignant when the vet put the thermometer up his bum!  Poor thing, but he's got some pills to take so will hopefully feel better soon.
James is going to ask you to help him draft a letter out (in his letter to you).  He thinks he would like to be a Blue Coat.  He got the idea from you when you said he had a screw loose, so he thinks he could be the camp's idiot!!  I would agree with that and I'm sure you do Vince!  But Dad thinks he has to be 18 to apply - still it won't hurt him to write off and find out.

Thursday 26th April 1990
A nice morning at work without Old Face Ache.  Michelle, one of the dentists went to see Miss Saigon last night and said it was brilliant, but very sad.  I think I would like to see it, after I have seen Phantom of the Opera.  James wants to see it with me.  He really surprises me as he has such mixed taste in music.  One night he's got head-banging music (trash) blaring out, the next he's listening to Modern Romance - well there's no comparison at all is there?  
Went up to see Nanny this afternoon.  She looked and seemed quite well.  She has her new phone, but it is still in the hall.  It's a posh one, dark red.  She has not rang me since she's had it.  Perhaps she doesn't know how to use it?
James rang Pontins when he came home from school.  They said he was too late for this year, but would send all the necessary paperwork to him so he can read up on it and apply in February when they start auditioning.  He seems very keen at the moment, but you know James, it could all change tomorrow! 

Friday 27th April 1990
A lot of excitement when I got to work today.  We have been burgled again.  They got in through the new fence in the car park, broke in the back door and smashed the inner door.  They took the petty cash, which was not much.  You never know what's going to happen next in this place - we really need a burglar alarm.  The funny thing is, when Mick put the fence up, he put barbed wire on the top so no-one could climb over, but the clever buggers cut a hole in the bottom and crawled through!  The police seem to think that whoever it was, knew what they were after.
It was Angie's last day today, she is going on holiday to Spain to see her Dad for a week, he lives there now. She was getting so excited you would think it was the other side of the world.  I said "Angie, if Joanne and Vince moved  to Spain I would be over there once a month for a long weekend!  So good job you moved to Canada eh Vince!!
Went to Sainsbury's after work (boring).  Thought I had a cheap week and blimey it was more than it usually was.  Sitting here writing this and consoling myself with a brandy! 
Poor Steve Davis lost his match against Jimmy White  It was 14-16, so he did well.  Now he is out of the championship I don't want to see who wins, 'cause I only like to watch Steve.  Boo Hoo!

Saturday 28th April 1990
My Saturday for working with Old Face Ache.  God, it was horrible, like being in prison for a day.  Still it's over now for a few months.
Came home and had something quick to eat, and then rushed to Dartford.  Bought myself a pretty skirt round the market.  After that, went to Bee Club, half-hour late!!  It was very enjoyable though.  Mick's okay now after his fall last week.  He mended the club's lawnmower this week, he seems happier doing something like that than going round the beehives.  Pat has got her bees now at last, so she's happy.
On the way home, we called in to Sylvia and Gordon's - you know the ones that live round near Joan and Ron's.  Their bungalow backs onto the woods.  We went to see their beehives 'cause they kept saying come round.  Well, their garden is just beautiful, a pond with trickling waterfalls and very pretty flowers everywhere. The beehive is in one corner and the bees look very content with the woods behind.  Very peaceful, ah lovely.  Came home and felt sorry for the bees in our little garden with noisy kids next door.

Sunday 29th April 1990
Got up this morning to a really hot beautiful day.  Actually enjoyed cleaning the brass on the front door.  It's going to be roast beef with salad today.  The garden is looking quite pretty with a few flowers out.  The bees are flying, Caz the Budgie is outside in his cage with the bird bath in it and Tommy Tortoise is marching up and down, Lazy Sam cat is laying in the shade washing himself.
Went to get Nanny and after dinner went to Knole Park in Sevenoaks.  We haven't been there for a while.  Well we were so shocked at the sight of the devastation from the hurricane we had two years ago.  It was terrible, there must be 90% of the trees down.  They are starting to plant new little trees but it is going to take at least 200 years to get it back to how it looked.  The poor deer can't even hide in the trees now, it was so sad.  They must have been so scared when the storm was raging.

Nanny Annie and her dog Judy, Knole Park, Sevenoaks

On the way back to the car, I was running and skipping because of ringing you when we got home.  I was so pleased and excited to hear your voice - it perks me up for the whole week.
Watched the snooker final in the evening and Steven Hendry won.  Still my Steve (Davis) will win it back next year.  Poor Nanny fell asleep on and off while snooker was on.  I think we wore her out, she walked about 3 miles which was really good for her age.  She has not said any more about her boyfriend and she has changed her mind about Don and Denise living with her, she wants to be on her own.

Well my Jo and Vince, I think I better finish this letter.  I seem to get carried away.  Keep up the good work both of you.  Love and miss you very much. 

Sign-off 29th April, 1990

18 January 2021

In Which We Fall Into A Routine

Starring Roles:
Carolynn - our friend whose family we stayed with when we first arrived.
Cheryl and Sean - Carolynn's older sister and her boyfriend
Heather and George - Carolynn's parents
Gail - work colleague at CKVU
Nana Ella - my step-Nan, married to Grandad Doug (my Dad's Father)
Riyaz - friend of Carolynn's

Dear Mum & Dad,

Off we go again.  I think we're becoming expert letter writers now.

Tuesday 17th April 1990
The weather was very dull this morning.  There was a storm in the night but I didn't hear it!  It's quite fascinating here even when the weather is dull because the clouds hang around in the mountains as if they're caught on the trees.  Mind you, sometimes the mountains completely disappear along with the city!
Grouse Mountain - which disappeared completely when it rained.  Like a magic trick!

Posted letters to you and James this morning.  I find it quite amazing watching the letters go into the box, knowing that they'll be popping through your letterbox in a few days.  I picked up some photos this afternoon, so I'm enclosing photos of the car at long last, plus a few others too.  I've written on the back again.
We had a letter from Tommy and Marie today and one from Hayley and Paul.  Hayley has drawn us some lovely pictures.  She's drawn a picture of Vince and me in the plane and she wrote "Vince and Jo went to the airport and they took everything they needed".  Isn't that sweet? She's also drawn a picture of Smokey Cat, a picture of a house with Vince, Smokey and me in it and a picture of the mountains.
After dinner tonight, we walked around the streets near here.  There are some really lovely houses.  We found some plots of land that were for sale, so we're going to phone tomorrow to see how much they are.  We've been thinking about buying a plot of land and having a house built, but all these are just thoughts at the moment.  I think we're pretty sure that we want to stay on the North Shore though.  It's just so nice!

Wednesday 18th April 1990
Had quite a busy day at work today.  Don, the boss, is going off for a trip to England and Ireland today (lucky thing).  He asked me to recommend a few places he should visit.  He wants to go to Greenwich and do the boat trip to Tower Bridge, so I told him to go to Greenwich Market, Greenwich Museum etc.  It's funny talking about those places, they just seem so near.  Wish I could have gone with him and visit you all!  Oh well!
Decided to take the SeaBus home today, so went to Lonsdale and bought a pizza for dinner.  Missed one bus home, so went to sit by the fountain and look at the City view whilst I waited for the next one.  Went to Save-On after dinner.  I can't seem to find any Worcester sauce anywhere, but Vince has seen some in a restaurant, so I guess you can buy it somewhere, just need to find out where.  After we've finished the chocolate that you sent for Easter, I'm going to cut out fattening things.  I've put on so much weight that my clothes are beginning to feel uncomfortable!  I'd never get into the beautiful outfit I had made in Thailand at the moment and would definitely not wear a bikini!!  Vince can pinch more than an inch round his waistline too!  Those chocolates you sent are delicious though.
Vancouver Seabus - I loved taking this ride to and from Downtown Vancouver.

Thursday 19th April 1990
Two people at work admired my Easter earrings today, so you chose those well.  Gail said today that it looks as though I will be going full-time soon, that's good, although I am enjoying leaving at 3pm! The extra money will help though.
Well it's rained non-stop today and looks like it will rain all night.  At least it's not too cold.  I think it's a night for staying in with the open fire!! Smokey doesn't like it when the fire's lit, he stays out of the room.  I think it's the crackling that puts him off.  
I've just had a call from the shipping company in Vancouver (8:45 pm) and our furniture has arrived!  I was really surprised as it's only taken about 6 weeks!  Unless they shipped it earlier than planned perhaps. It will have to go into storage for a while anyway.  At least it's here safe and sound.  Vince has gone out for a drink with his boss's son, so it's just Smokey and me tonight! Forgot to say, on the bus on the way home, a taxi reversed right into the side of the bus!  The bus driver was so rude to the taxi driver (I felt like reporting him to the bus company)!  He was shouting "do you have ***t for brains" and them told him to "***k off".  Charming!!
By the way, Smokey proved me wrong and sat in the lounge with me tonight while the fire was lit.  Must have been because Vince was out.  Ha Ha!

Friday 20th April 1990
Isn't April flying by?! Isn't time flying by? GOOD! I'm going to start writing on the back of the paper from now on in this letter as I've just read an environment leaflet which says write on both sides of the paper.  You're very good as you do that already. 
Vince has now got a phone in his van (what a show-off). They're preparing him for when he's out working on his own.  Today he worked on a big luxurious boat on Granville Island.  He said it was as big, if not bigger, than our old bungalow.  I miss our bungalow, it still seems strange that we're not going back to it.
Went out for a meal with Carolynn, Riyaz, Cheryl and Sean.  It was a cheap little café type restaurant that did Indian, Thai and Chinese food.  It only cost about £5 each but it was really good.  After that we all went on to a night club called "Soft Rock Café".  Most of the music was quite awful, but James would have liked it!  We did have a good time though and I had a bit of a dance.  We met a couple more of their friends too and went to bed at about 2am.  Yawn!

Saturday 21st April 1990
Laid in this morning and gave aerobics a miss.  I don't think I would have been up to it.  I think I must be getting old - 3 glasses of wine and a late night and I can't cope!!  Poor me, haha.  Carolynn has gone off to Montreal and Quebec today, so I didn't have time to meet her this morning.
Vince and I went into town and we bought some stuff for our keep fit.  Vince bought some trainers and shorts and I bought some stretch shorts.  So now we're all ready to get fit.  Yes, I know, it's about time Vince joined me, isn't it?  He's going to use the weight machines while I'm at aerobics and he's going to start jogging too.
Fell asleep when we got home, for half an hour, then cooked some cod for dinner which Smokey thought was for him.  He really likes the sound of his own Meow lately, wish he'd learn to speak human.  Vince gave in eventually and gave him some fish and the little bugger turned his nose up at it.  Huh!  Watched a film on tele called "King Kong Lives" a continuation from the old film.  It was very good but sad and I cried of course!

Sunday 22nd April 1990
It was lovely as always to speak to you both.  Wish phone calls were cheaper though, so we could talk for longer.  Went to the tea house at Fort Langley and Vince fixed their fridge, well almost, it needs a new condenser.  While Vince was doing the fridge, Faye, the lady who runs it, put me to work too!  I laid the tables for her, then did the fillings for some pecan tarts and sliced some oranges.  She gave us $5 on top of what Vince charged her because I'd helped her.
Went to look at the house I told you about on the phone, it wasn't as good as we expected which was quite a disappointment.  The outside was really nice, so was the garden and the area is lovely, but the inside was very small.  It had a large unfinished basement that could be developed but with a lot of work.  Looked at a couple of other houses too, but nothing special.
Took Smokey out for a drive in Vince's van to show him some scenery.  He wasn't very impressed though.  First of all he hollered his face off! (He probably has bad memories of travelling since the plane), then he got a bit more interested and kept bobbing his head up to have a look and then bobbing it down again.  He was very glad to get home again to say the least!
Tonight we watched the celebrity Earth Day Special.  Did you have anything on your tele about it? I'm sending you this leaflet that I got from work (that I was reading earlier).  I've met this Jim Hart who hosts "Eyes West Earthwatch" - he's a very nice man.

Monday 23rd April 1990
Had a one-day computer course today, so no work.  It was so boring, I nearly fell asleep!  Also it wasn't that good because we had a different teacher in the morning to the afternoon, so it was a bit confusing.  They did lay on some sandwiches for lunch though, but I'd taken a packed lunch because I didn't know! The second teacher was a right little smart arse - and funny enough his name was Ed Smart haha!
Cooked a nice shepherd's pie for dinner tonight.  I was quite impressed!  Went out for a short drive to look around the new housing estates.  Two years ago, we could have afforded them, but not now unfortunately.  Maybe in a couple of years when Vince makes me rich!

Tuesday 24th April 1990
Back at work today - Gail said she really missed me, which is good.  Got home in record time this afternoon, it just depends on how the bus connections work out.  I had a feeling there would be a letter from you today, so I rushed to look in the mailbox and there was!  I'm always so excited to open it, but then also like to prolong it, so the reading isn't over too quickly!  
What a really wonderful letter!  Well they're all great, but this one is so long - like a book! I almost feel as though you're chatting to me and I can hear your voice when I'm reading it.  Vince was pleased that he got so many mentions in it!  By the way, your letter smells lovely again and it does make me feel closer to you.  I close my eyes and imagine that you're standing there with me - I wish you were.  Well, fancy Nan having a man-friend - I don't suppose it would do any harm if she lived with this man for companionship, but I hope he has a lot of patience! I would loved to have seen Nana Ella again.  Did you take any photos of her? I was talking to Vince and her and Grandad Doug.  It's such a shame about what happened and him going off in a huff.  He was such a nice Grandad and funny too.  
By the way, we've decided to have our furniture delivered here as storage is expensive!  The boats that Vince works on are yachts.  Vince's boss's son has a boat and said he would take us both out in it (when the weather is nice though). We did have a good laugh about James working in the butcher shop, I can just imagine him heaving and nearly being sick!!  Oh dear!  Is that a permanent Saturday job or just a one-off? Glad your bee test was okay, can't wait for our first jar of honey.
Popped in to see the Woolstones.  Met George's sister, Joan, who lives in Kamloops.  That's in the interior of British Columbia.  Gave Heather a copy of the photos from the surprise party.  We were the only ones with a camera, so they were lucky they got any photos at all!  Heather asked what's new with you two, so gave her an update.

Wednesday 25th April 1990
Rained very hard today.  I went to a secretarial seminar that CKVU sent me on.  It was in a hotel and was quite interesting.  It was a talk on secretarial efficiency and how to best work with your boss and other people in the office.  They also laid on a very nice lunch.  Met an English lady there who used to live in Bromley - small world isn't it? She gave me her phone number in case I ever want a chat and a Canadian girl also gave me her phone number.  Everyone here is so open and friendly.
Smokey went to have his teeth cleaned today.  He's now a bit dopey and is staggering around from the anaesthetic, but he does have very clean teeth! They were cleaned and polished down so there were no rough edges that the food can cling to.  It cost $111.00 - we just had a heart attack!  
Went out to eat at White Spot because we forgot to get anything out of the freezer this morning.  Excuses, excuses, I know!  Heather called to say Carolynn had befriended two people on the plane to Montreal - she must make a habit of it.  I'm certainly glad we met her on the plane when we came on holiday.  It gave us a place to stay, nice people to know and led to us being able to rent this place from Sheila and Patrick.  We have been very lucky.

Thursday 26th April 1990
Back to work today.  Vince picked me up after work and we went to customs to get our furniture cleared.  Got charged $300.00 for duty on Vince's amplifier.  Bloody hell! Good job we're not storing our furniture now that's all I can say.  Vince had to do one more job after that, so I went to the mall in Coquitlam, it's quite an impressive place.  This evening went to a Linn Hi Fi evening which was very boring, even Vince thought so, but we did get two glasses of wine out of it at least!  Had dinner out in Red Robin.  Vince works in these restaurants all the time - no discount though, haha.  They do some very sticky and very fattening desserts.  James would love it for sure!

Friday 27th April 1990
Called the warehouse where our furniture is.  They are delivering everything tomorrow morning.  I'm quite excited now!  We'll have to stuff everything into the second bedroom, but the wardrobes and drawers we'll put in our bedroom because there's room and we can use them.  It will be nice to choose something different to wear.  My work outfits are a bit limited at the moment.  Smokey's looking forward to getting his scratching post and of course Vince is dead excited about his Hi-Fi.
We're going to order in a pizza tonight and stay in with the fire and the tele as it's cold and raining outside. Brrrr.  There's a film on tonight "The Beach Boys Story" so that should be good, I hope.
Well, I'll end here.  I almost hate ending a letter as much as I hate putting the phone down.  All the time I'm talking or writing, I feel close to you.

Sign-off from Jo x

In Which We Eat Out A Lot and Vince's Hi-Fi Arrives!

Starring roles : Shannon - Receptionist at CKVU TV Gail - work colleague at CKVU TV Don - CEO of CKVU TV, my boss Brian Boitana - American f...